Ogeechee Audubon Society Has the First In-Person Socially-Distanced Masked Meeting!

Ogeechee Audubon held its first public meeting since March when we went into flockdown. On September 19th OAS held the delayed Annual Meeting to elect officers, had a presentation on Kenyan birds and did a bird walk. A small group of OAS members gathered at the Savannah-Ogeechee Canal under the outdoor pavilion. The weather cooperated with cooler temperatures and a nice breeze. Everyone wore a mask and were appropriately social-distanced. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for election: Leslie Weichsel, President; Mary Lambright, Vice President; Pam Smith, Treasurer; and Marty Foxx, Secretary. Being no opposition nor nominations from the floor, the slate of nominees was accepted unanimously for a two-year term ending April, 2022. What a strange year 2020 has been for us. This is our 50th Anniversary year, who would have thought it would turn out to be so unprecedented. This is sure one for the archives! We are hopeful we can slowly emerge from lockdown and conduct a few bird walks during these last months of this year.

-OAS Board of Directors